My grandmother-in-law ('grandmother') is living on a memory unit in a long term care center. One day the residents were going around the room sharing their favorite desserts. The lady before her stated her favorite deserts were Sundaes. My grandmother stated that her favorite were 'Mondays' and she proceeded to laugh...
We just returned from a family wedding and flew there/back. On the way back, my kids were reviewing the drink options - my daughter tried a cranberry juice...
A while back I discussed one of our executive retreats. We talked about 'understanding separate realities' and coming fom a place of 'curiosity vs. judgement' when trying to learn more about another person and what they are really thinking for feeling - their true motives. Well, in the cases above, the following took place:
The staff member on the memory unit shared with my mother in law that my grandmother indicated her favorite dessert was a Monday and that she was confused. My mother in law stated that this happened to be an ongoing joke my grandmother liked to share so actually she was showing some good signs of memory...
When I asked my daughter why she chose the cranberry juice, she stated that she did not know it was offered on planes until now. She actually took he time to explore all the various beverage choices. I can't remember the last time I did that and their were some different options now...
Basically, it was interesting to me that when more questions were asked or the situations were further explored, we found out another perspective.
In the workplace and in our own personal lives, it is very easy to get caught up in one perspective, especially when we may tend to believe that perspective as well. I would encourage everyone to get that extra perspective or two so you could truly validate what you think you are hearing or seeing. It is certainly not easy for me to remember this at all times but a great reminder when I get that extra perspective.
I look forward to hearing from you.
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