Wednesday, April 6, 2011

To Meet or Not to Meet

This morning I met with with Sister Rosemary Flanigan while going from one meeting to the next. She stopped me and said it seems like there are a lot of meetings today. I let her know that there were a lot of meetings and I really enjoy getting around the hospital so much more than just sitting around in meetings. Everyone agrees that we can accomplish so much more when we are out and about the hospital. However, today just must have been one of those days. Sister Rosemary provided great perspective..."one day, a young hospital administrator will come up to you and ask, what do you administrators do all day. And you could say we all went to meetings!." I am pleased to share that we have reduced hundreds of hours of meetings throughout the year. There are still the times to do the balance act and ensure that we meet when we know it will have an effective impact for the organization. Otherwise, I prefer my walking (running) shoes.

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