We performed a Disaster Drill today. The Joint Commission, the accrediting body for our hospital, requires two disaster drills per year. This was our second. The scenario was around a tornado with mass casualties. Thank you to Larry, Shirley and Mike for orchestrating the drill. Lee, you did an exceptional job as Operations Chief - especially just being on the job a few short weeks.
(L to R) Shirley, Larry, Mike and Lee
I was pleased with the level of participation especially given that the overhead announcement was not heard well at the start. There were certainly things we will improve as a result of this. A debriefing will take place this afternoon. After the holidays, we will have an in-service on things that make a real disaster run smoothly, radio etiquette and key staging areas.
In previous blog entries, I spoke about being prepared for any type of situation. Typically, I hear people say that things always work well in a 'real' disaster. In many ways, I agree. These drills have always helped prepare me further for situations which may arise at work and outside of work.
There was an odd occurrence...it seemed we had a 60+ year old serving as the "12 year old" trying to get connected with his parents and the parent wanted to know "her role" once she was with her child...never a dull moment during a drill with unpaid actors.
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