Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Your Actions are Speaking so Loudly...I Can't Hear What You are Saying

This morning, our leadership team went through a training presentation on high reliability organizations. It started out with some great reflections by Sister Rosemary F. Her key message:

As leaders, we must set the example. We all have the opportunities to be leaders.

She spoke on the subject of "Habits."
"Do we have habits or are we our habits? It is the way we act that forms our characters. Actions performed over time become habits (e.g., compassion, stewardship). Do I steward the resources I have and do I steward these resources wisely? Jokingly, she said that when she was in school, her teacher would say, your Actions are speaking so loudly that I cannot hear what you are saying. So how do we acquire habits? Practice, practice, practice. Virtue is not taught - virtue is shown by example. It is the first, if not the only, teacher in moral development. We become who we are by the way we act over and over and over. One must study with practice. Culture is how we act. The way to instill a culture of safety is through example. As leaders, we must set that example first.

Rachelle B., our Regional Director of Quality and Process Improvement, then did an exceptional job discussing the expectations and continued improvement of highly reliable organizations. Surprisingly enough, the highest percentage of errors that take place are not due to communication, the reason everyone always touts. The reasons...62% of errors are caused by lack of critical thinking (failure to validate/verify) and compliance (taking shortcuts, non-compliant with known expectations.). Take a look at the example shown above!

Both presenters were extremely inspiring and certainly set a great tone for our continuous improvement journey.

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